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Want To Know About Salicylic Acid Skin Care Knowledge?

Want To Know About Salicylic Acid Skin Care Knowledge?

Exfoliate and unclog your pores with salicylic acid, a beta hydroxy acid, to treat oily and acne-prone skin.

What Is Salicylic Acid?

Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid (BHA) that is commonly used for chemical exfoliation. It is extracted from willow bark, but can also be synthesized in the laboratory. They dissolve the binding of dark, dead skin cells on the surface of the skin, allowing the skin to gently peel away, revealing the smoother, brighter skin underneath. Unlike water-soluble alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), BHA are oil-soluble, so they can act on the surface of the skin and inside pores.

What Are The Benefits Of Salicylic Acid Skin Care Products

1. Oil control and anti-acne:

Salicylic acid is a fat-soluble organic acid, which can remove more than sebum from the skin surface, inhibit excessive sebum secretion, play a role in oil control, and also have a strong dissolution effect on horn plugs and acne caused by sebum blockage.

2. Shrink pores:

Salicylic acid can penetrate deep into the pores along the sebaceous glands that secrete oil, which helps to remove toxic waste from the pores and improve the situation of clogged pores, thus blocking the formation of acne and shrinking the enlarged pores.

3. Fade Spots:

Salicylic acid can help peel away aged keratinocytes, prevent pigmentation, and assist in the penetration of other acid whitening ingredients, so it is often added in the form of a compound to whitening spot essences to help combat potential spots under the skin.

4. Anti-aging:

Salicylic acid can remove the old waste keratins, promote the rapid renewal of epidermal cells, and the updated epidermal cells are fresh and full of vitality, which can naturally slow down the aging of the skin and restore the skin to a smooth and delicate state.

How To Shop For Salicylic Acid Products

When shopping for salicylic acid products, we recommend looking for ones that fit your skin care routine and are effective without being irritating. Below, we share a few tips to remember when shopping for one.

Paired ingredients. Salicylic acid is usually paired with other ingredients, so look at the ingredient list while shopping. Dryness and irritation is common when using a chemical exfoliant, so it’s important to find moisturizing and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Some examples of these ingredients are hyaluronic acid, ceramides and niacinamide, according to experts. More on what ingredients to combine and what to avoid are below.

Concentration. Regarding salicylic acid, over-the-counter products range in concentration from 0.5% to 2%. A concentration from 0.5% to 1% is typically found in cleansers and toners, whereas 2% is often used in spot treatments and targeted treatments. If you’re just now introducing your skin to salicylic acid, start with lower concentrations and gradually increase to avoid irritation. If your skin can tolerate higher concentrations, consider using products that have 2% (the highest concentration allowed as regulated by the FDA) salicylic acid.

pH level. You may notice some labels indicating the pH level when purchasing salicylic acid products. If possible, try products with a pH between 3 and 4 for optimal effectiveness.

Formulation. Salicylic acid products come in different formulations, including cleansers, toners, spot treatments, serums and more. In general, it may come down to personal preference and individual skin care concerns regarding which is most suitable. If you’re looking for targeted treatment, consider gels, spot treatments or serums. moisturizers, cleansers and toners may be best for those who want a more widespread application. 

Who Should And Should Not Use Salicylic Acid?

Salicylic acid is a comedolytic, which helps “break up” and resolve open comedones (blackheads and whiteheads). Because of this, we recommend using it if you have normal to oily, acne-prone skin. If you want to exfoliate your skin, you can also use salicylic acid since it can help remove dead and dull skin.

If you have sensitive skin, are pregnant or breastfeeding or have any skin conditions like rosacea , you may want to consult with your dermatologist about whether or not salicylic acid is safe for you. Depending on your skin's tolerance to formulation and usage, you may find yourself benefiting from salicylic acid’s anti-inflammatory and skin-calming properties, says King. However, if you have sensitive or extremely sensitive skin, you may want to be cautious since you may experience irritation.

If you are allergic to salicylates, you should altogether avoid it. Or if you have a known allergy to aspirin, you should also avoid it as much as possible.

How Often Can You Use Salicylic Acid?

If you are just now incorporating salicylic acid into your routine, start with gentle exfoliation once or twice weekly. You can then adjust your frequency (or the concentration) if you notice your skin is not irritated or dry after using it.

If you have oily and acne-prone skin, you may even be able to use a salicylic acid-infused cleanser daily since the cleanser will only stay on the skin for a few minutes tops. If you have those skin types and have a high tolerance, you can also use a salicylic acid serum or spot treatment daily.

However, those with more sensitive skin may want to limit their use to a few times a week instead of daily, as overuse could irritate the skin.

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